Welcome to a new world of failover.
At 05:46 PM 1/30/03 -0700, Ambrose_Earle@shamrockfoods.com wrote:
We are soon to start SnapMirroring our Oracle databases and I'm looking for some tried-and-true best practices.
Where are your files stored?
All datafiles, most redo log and control files are on the filer. We have 2 control files on the filer and 1 on the local disk. Also, we have 2 sets of redo logs on the filer, and 1 set on the local disk.
All of the binaries are stored on the filer....oracle/product/8.1.73 softlink for example. All of the admin area is stored local oracle/admin/<SID>
When we want to failover, we break the mirror, repoint the NFS mount, copy a control file to the proper location, make sure the ~/admin/<SID> location is good to go...and restart the DB.
How often do you SnapMirror them?
Once an hour.
Have you tested disaster recovery?
Yes. Cold and Hot databases at the time of the snapmirror update before snapmirror break.
Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.
No problem.
Joseph Bishop ICIS Data Access Services (DTA) joseph.bishop@jpl.nasa.gov voice (818) 354-9539 pager 8864354@skytel.com