Check to see if your /etc/password file is missing on the Filer. Should at least look like:
root::0:1::/: pcuser::65534:65534::/: nobody::65535:65535::/:
Can you see ANY shares from your client? (i.e. \<netapp>\home (where <netapp> is the name of the filer)at least?)
-----Original Message----- From: Malek Hamdan [] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:20 PM To: Subject: CIFS
I have just installed Data ONTAP 6.1R1 with CIFS support. I am using domain authentication, though I am unable to manage shares or permissions through the server manager. Instead I get an "access denied" message.
Can anyone shed some light on what I might be doing wrong??
Kind regards MH