Looking for any ideas (or possibly even a fix!) from you fine people about a problem we are having.
We recently started backing up our NetAPP 720 Filer using a combination of AMANDA and the scripts located at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~johnpc/amanda-netapp.html The server we are using is a dual PIII 800 running FreeBSD.
Due to the size of our tape drive (35GB), we have to perform subtree backups. Due to how the NetApp was setup, we're doing 40 subtree backups from the same volume each night...
The Problem:
Every night, no matter what, some of the backups fail for various reasons (see below). The thing is, these failures are random. A subtree that had problems one night will not have problems the next...
I have indexing turned off, and have replced restore with a wrapper as recommended in the article here: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&frame=right&th=25ab1f922c37dcf...
FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY: magneto /dev/moya/home/customers/9 lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/moya/home/customers/9 offline on magneto?] magneto /dev/moya/home/customers/8 lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/moya/home/customers/8 offline on magneto?] magneto /dev/moya/home/customers/n lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/moya/home/customers/n offline on magneto?] magneto /dev/moya/alias lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/moya/alias offline on magneto?] magneto /dev/moya/home/customers/7 lev 1 FAILED [no estimate]
The Solution?
If anyone has any pointers on things to try, I would greatly appreciate it. We'd like to be able to fix this and stay able to use subtree dumps, and not have to replace our tape drive (which would require the replacing of the library the drive is in due to some bad things...).
Thanks in advance.
Jamin Brown GWI Operations