Hi all,
Is anybody using a toater for clearcase 4.2. Why I am putting it here is because I need to the real life scenarios of it implementation. If anybody could help me that'll be really great. I have gone though the netapp site wherein they mention about the same. Rahul
Rahul Kumar Infrastructure Analyst Rahul.Kumar@eds.com 91-20-2930812
-----Original Message----- From: Chris Miles [mailto:chris@psychofx.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:07 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: disable boot menu
One of my F760s pauses at the boot menu (1-5 prompt, usually accessed by CTRL-C I believe) every time it reboots, which is rather annoying as I have to hit 1 to continue the boot.
How can I disable this?
Cheers, CM
Is anybody using a toater for clearcase 4.2. Why I am putting it here is because I need to the real life scenarios of it implementation. If anybody could help me that'll be really great. I have gone though the netapp site wherein they mention about the same.
Your Netapp sales rep should be able to get you more detailed information regarding how much a F740 will scale with Clearcase.
Since Rational finally gave the thumbs up for NAS for VOB DB, etc, we're deploying on F880 clusters. Netapps provide ease of backups for Clearcase VOBs. Your backup script just has to lock the VOBs, tell the Netapp to create a snapshot, then unlock the VOBs. Then you just backup the snapshot.
Instead of backing up the snapshot from the production VOB volume, we snapmirror the volume to the other head in the cluster. Only the point-in-time snapshot inside the volume is legit data. You can then backup the snapshot to tape; but you also have an online backup.