Frank, Unfortunately at this time, there is no provision for this. If you would like to have more information about the availibility of this feature, please let me know...
Thanks, Amol.
*-----Original Message----- *From: Frank Bonnet [] *Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 7:28 AM *To: *Subject: ndmpcopy -sa and -da options * * *Hi * *Following my last post I used ndmpcopy to copy *data from one filer to another one. * *Things ran pretty well * *I have a question regarding the -sa and -da options *is there a way not to type the root passwd in the command line *as is this cleartext and I do not want someone else *look at THIS on the filer console ? * *Thanks *-- *Frank Bonnet *
Howdy. Here's a rather strange one. I have an F330 that absolutely insists that its NVRAM card is empty - 0MB present. It isn't. It's fully populated, with NVRAM SIMMs that were working just fine before I shut the machine down. Over the last week I have:
Swapped motherboards; Swapped NVRAM boards; Replaced the batteries, even though the originals tested good; Tried every combination of NVRAM SIMMs, in 2-, 4- and 8MB configs.
Last night I booted up the diagnostics (v2.1) disk, which reports that the motherboard is fine - everything passes. The first NVRAM test (checking the onboard EEPROM?) passes, but then it states that 0MB is present and stops. This is really quite nutty. I can't believe that out of the 10 or 12 NVRAM SIMMs (the original 4MB that were working, plus others scavenged from two other F330s) in all the combinations that I've tried, that *all* of them have mysteriously gone bad.
At the OpenBoot prompt, test-all works, as does test /memory, but test /nvram causes a reset. Hmmm.
What led up to this? This machine had been running for months without a glitch (5.3.7R3). The last shutdown was a clean and orderly 'halt' so that I could move the rack and install a new machine and reorganize some cabling. After rolling the rack back into place, the filer refused to boot. It complained about memory errors. The LCD panel lit up solid. The fans sound like they are running at full speed, and never drop down to a normal operating speed. The serial console went dead.
That's when I replaced the motherboard (but transferred the IDPROM - assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the Ethernet MAC address and system serial number might be tied into the license key and I ought to preserve that). I then swapped out (painstakingly) the bad memory. Finally got that all worked out, and then ONTAP would boot, but refuse to run because it couldn't find any NVRAM. That's when I had to start playing swap monkey with the other components.
It is on a UPS. The cabinet/environment is plenty cool and airflow is unrestricted. Even with this new motherboard the fans and LCD still are wonky, although I've had no problems with the serial console. I'm really at a loss. (I've actually *replaced* the LCD assembly too - it behaves the same way as the original.)
Any NetApp hardware techs ever heard of these symptoms before? Should I swap out the power supply next? Re-write the firmware (already at 1.9_i)? The only way I can figure on the odd behavior of the fans and LCD panel following me from one system to the next is that I missed some internal component - a corrupted IDPROM, or the power supply, or a chafed wire, or who knows what? It's a simple machine, and there just aren't many parts left to swap! I've never had a filer die on me before, so this whole thing has been kinda wierd.
Am I just cursed?
-- Chris
-- Chris Lamb, Unix Guy MeasureCast, Inc. 503-241-1469 x247