Whenever I fire an ndmpcopy from a 740 to 840, it immedietly maxes cpu (100%) on the 840. Only a reboot brings CPU activity down then.. Any clues....????
Here is the final error message thrown...
bot: LOG: RESTORE: bot: LOG: Thu Dec 21 17:33:12 2000: Restoring NT ACLs. filebot: LOG: DUMP: filebot: LOG: dumping (Pass V) [ACLs] filebot: LOG: DUMP: filebot: LOG: 87029 KB filebot: LOG: DUMP: filebot: LOG: DUMP IS DONE filebot: LOG: DUMP: filebot: LOG: Deleting "/vol/sw/../snapshot_for_backup.150" snapshot. bot: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for filebot to halt too. The transfer was successful, but the source filer hasn't halted yet. filebot: HALT: The operation was successful! Broken Pipe
mtshasta% Data server never halted, closing connection. Broken Pipe