Hmm, first I should apologise for posting the (response to the followup to the unsubscribe request) to the list... I really had not intended to.
Secondly: some mailing lists have added headers or footers attached to each message giving directions on how to unsubscribe (or otherwise manage one's list entry). It doesn't totally eliminate unsubscribe messages sent to the list, of course, but it does seem to help. Could something like that be implemented for toasters? It only needs 2 or 3 lines giving a URL and/or an e-mail address.
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.
Chris Thompson ( said, on [010131 15:12]:
Secondly: some mailing lists have added headers or footers attached to each message giving directions on how to unsubscribe (or otherwise manage one's list entry). It doesn't totally eliminate unsubscribe
*sigh* You know, toasters *used* to be a place where admins gathered to talk about their filers. You know, people who had some slight bit of clue about how to interact with majordodo. It's not rocket science, after all.
It seems, however, that the list is attracting more and more attention form sales & marketing types. For whatever good (netapp) or evil (YKWYA) purposes, the folks who make the money seem to want to listen in. And thus these messages.
fubar? what do you think? administrivia at least?
"pde" == Pete Ehlke writes:
pde> fubar? what do you think? administrivia at least?
Administrivia is turned on, and catches most of the un/subscribe requests. However, build a better mousetrap and the world's fools will beat a path to your... wait, that's not right...
I'm of two minds about adding a small blurb to the end of every message. I'll think about it, at least.
On another note, for those that might care and/or notice. I am no longer employed by The MathWorks, Inc, however, by their good graces I'm still running the list. Once in a blue moon, people will email for list requests... Don't Do That. Please use