The NDMP message send to the Filer (NDMP_DATA_START_RECOVER) specifies a field named nlist, which is an array of filenames to be recovered. Therefor the maximum number of nlist entries restricts the number of files that can be recovered per message.
Please note that this is the NDMP protocol. A clever backup application can get around this limitation but it looks that there are very few (or no) clever backup applications available.
Bye Ernie -----Original Message----- From: Clawson, Simon [] Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:55 PM To: ''; Subject: RE: File name length and veritas
Hi Levent,
Sorry, can you explain what you mean by nlist entries?
-----Original Message----- From: Levent KAPTANOGLU [] Sent: 01 May 2002 14:53 To: Clawson, Simon; Subject: RE: File name length and veritas
I dont know about the file names but as far as I know there is a limitation for nlist entries. Maximum of 10240 nlist entries supported
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Clawson, Simon Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 4:00 PM To: '' Subject: File name length and veritas
I have been told by veritas that I have a file name or path that is longer than 1024 characters. Apparently this will cause problems with NDMP
They have told me to do the following :- find . -inum 5942788 -print
But this just gives an error due to the value being to great. Anyone seen this before? I know this might seem like UNix sorry..
Simon Clawson TEL:- +44 (0)1635 811409 HDL Designer Series Team Systems Administrator FAX:- +44 (0)1635 810108 Mentor Graphics Ireland Ltd (UK Branch) MOB:- +44 (0)7788 716071 Rivergate London Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 2QB