Robert> Sunday morning we'll shut the Oracle DB's down and do the following:
Why not just shutdown the filer, hook up the last fibre connections between the new shelves and the filer and reboot? 4 minutes of down time...
Ultimately we can and will do this. There are certain parties here that claim this can be done live... I suppose I'm catering to their wishes. But a reboot after all the drives are seen is probably a good idea if I have the window.
Robert> Does it matter in which order I flip the terminator switch Robert> and/or run the "storage" command? Should I flip the Robert> Terminator switch off and *then* issue the "storage" command? Robert> I'm thinking Terminator switch last....
To me, you don't want to enable the storage until all the hookups are done and correct. Once you do the enable command, it will go out and probe that adapter, so it should be physically all setup ahead of time.
Our SE mentioned in a meeting weeks ago that adding shelves is as simple as cabling them up with Termination "on" and then flipping a switch thus my frame of mind. And in an existing loop that would be true. But these are new loops and the FC controllers have no drives on them and thus the FC controllers came up disabled.
I just talked to him and we revised the plan to as you suggest. I'll leave the termination switch "on" and run my fiber cable from FC controllers to the Fiber based ESH's. Then flip the termination switch off on the first shelf and *then* issue the "storage enable adapter x" command last.
I'm curious how long it'll take for each FC controller loop to "discover" all the drives.
Thanks for your suggestion.