The rule is that due to the filesystems changes in 6.x that if you are SnapMirroring between 5.x and 6.x that the destination *must* be the 6.x filer since the 6.x filer can revert its volumes back to the 5.x filesystem but a 5.x filer cannot understand a 6.x filesystem. It has nothing to do with the fact that you have 840s and 330s, it's the ONTAP version.
Hope this makes sense.
-- Adam Fox NetApp Professional Services, NC
-----Original Message----- From: Leonard, Roger [] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 4:55 PM To: '' Subject: snapmirror error
I am attempting to snapmirror between a 330 with 5.3.2R1 and a 840 with 6.01R3. i am getting this error in the 330's messages file.
[worker_thread]: snapmirror: destination request with incorrect version
i am able to snapmirror another 330 with 5.3.6R2 with the 840 using the same format in my snapmirror.conf and snapmirror.allow and hosts and hosts.equiv. network connectivity is fine, etc.
NOW had nothing. any ideas?
roger rleonard