i have an emergency backup to do on a Great Plains database. i opened a call with NetApp, but i'm betting that even this time of year the technorati on toasters are listening. :) GP and isci are both new to me.
the scenario comes with little technical detail so it's like a puzzle on an exam. :) my client has three production fas270s and one humongous 3020 for archiving. we needed a quick backup of all the data asap. i brought in a little gigabit switch and connected all the filers together through secondary ports. because i got started in a hurry and i wanted to make potential selected data restores simple for them, i decided not to set up snap mirroring and just fired off ndmpcopies to the archive and thought i was good. but the next day, i saw that filer #3's ndmpcopy had failed with this error:
Ndmpcopy: hubk: Log: RESTORE: cannot reserve blocks for file ./sql/sqldata.lun: Operation not permitted
i asked what was different about it, and the potential for simplicity died. :) it turns out there is a Great Plains server on a windows box connected to this 270 over iscsi. GP is using a 430GB volume that they say is very sparse with data. they were sold Snap Manager for doing backups (not installed yet) and they'd like me to use "the little button that makes sure the database is ready to be backed up." it's unclear whether the GUI feature they are referring to is part of GP or Snap Manager or something else. also, since the filer is using flexvols, they'd really prefer it if i would reduce the size of the thing to about 50-100GB before running the snapshot.
i aim to please, but am reluctant to change the volume size on the filer in the blind because i have no idea how it will affect the application, which for all i know may be expecting something of a raw partition with all its sparseness.
is there some way i can quickly get a good backup of vol1 of this filer? i'd like to have that in my back pocket, and then puzzle out setting up Snap Manager and resizing the volume (and potentially the database). i am just getting started looking for documentation...is there a good GP cheat sheet out there for managing database sizes?
thanks in advance if you can share any experiences,
fs03> version NetApp Release Thu Sep 22 02:17:57 PDT 2005
fs03> quota report K-Bytes Files Type ID Volume Tree Used Limit Used Limit Quota Specifier ----- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ------- ------- --------------- tree * vol1 - 0 - 0 - * tree 1 vol1 accounting 0 - 1 - /vol/vol1/accounting tree 2 vol1 sql 450743988 - 8 - /vol/vol1/sql
fs03> df Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /vol/vol0/ 10485760 292640 10193120 3% /vol/vol0/ /vol/vol0/.snapshot 2621440 74060 2547380 3% /vol/vol0/.snapshot /vol/vol1/ 901775360 561929300 339846060 62% /vol/vol1/ /vol/vol1/.snapshot 0 2366696 0 ---% /vol/vol1/.snapshot
sun_admin_box# df -k | grep fs03 fs03:/vol/vol0 10485760 292680 10193080 3% /fs03/vol0 fs03:/vol/vol1 901775360 561929300 339846060 63% /fs03/vol1