Two things,
1. NFS v2 doesn't support files larger than 2 GB. Switch to NFS v3. Only very recently has the Linux NFS implementation supported NFS v3 (see below).
2. Can you work with files larger than 2 GB using the same tools on a local file system? If so, NFS v3 will help. If not, you'll have to find out how to "large file enable" your applications. On Solaris, look at the "largefile" and "lfcompile" manpages.
For more info on the Linux NFS implementation, see this page
No offense intended to our resident Linux aficionados, but I cringed when I read most of it.
-----Original Message----- From: Hubbard, Dan [] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:10 PM To: Subject: File too large ?
All; We are using a ONTAP v 6.0.1 and are NFS mounting Solaris and Redhat Linux boxes. We are in the process of creating some large text files and cannot either gunzip and/or create files greater than 2GB's. We have bumped up our maxfiles and set the options nfs.v2.df_2gb_lim ON without any luck. Our friends in tech support at Netapp told me that I must upgrade to 6.0.1r3 to fix this. Any input from the field ? Also, any input on issues with NFS and Redhat Linux kernel 2.2.14 (RH7.0) ? Thanks