As another has mentioned, from the Windows client start a Find in the root directory. All directories will be converted to unicode format as they are traversed.
By default, new directories created from CIFS are in unicode format. If you want to ensure all directories created from NFS are also in Unicode format, set the wafl.create_ucode option to True.
You may be able to access your unconverted snapshot directories from NFS.
Joan Pearson
At 06:18 AM 6/16/99 , you wrote:
I have noticed in snapshots taken since I upgraded to 5.3, I am receiving "access is denied" on various directories in the snapshots.
This is due to the directories not being converted to Unicode as they have not been accessed since the upgrade. I understand with 5.3, until a CIFS directory is accessed it is not converted to Unicode. The problem I have hear is I had some corrupted files last week in one of my directories on my filer. When I went back to recover from any of the previous snapshots taken since the 5.3 upgrade, I received "Access is denied" since those directories where never touched since the 5.3 upgrade and therefore never converted to Unicode.
Has anyone fond a quick way to touch all CIFS shares and directories on the filer to convert the directories immediately to Unicode so all snapshots thereafter are clean? Thank you, Mike