After resofting one of my Solaris boxen to Solaris 8, I am unable to read some of the files in volumes mounted from a F720 running 5.3.6R2
I get error messages like this doing an ls.
# ls ls: c5200-is-l.120-8.0.2.T: Value too large for defined data type ls: c7200-is-mz.121-4.bin: Value too large for defined data type ls: c7200-p-mz.121-4.bin: Value too large for defined data type
The files are not really large, somewhere in the 8-10MByte range and is easily accessed from Solaris 2.6, just not from Solaris 8 systems.
The systems in question is using the following Solaris version:
# uname -a SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-04 sun4u sparc
#mount /local/net on remote/read/write/setuid/proto=udp/vers=3/bg/intr/dev=3980003 on Thu Jan 18 12:23:42 2001
nfs1> version NetApp Release 5.3.6R2: Sat Aug 5 09:40:44 PDT 2000
I have searched the archives for this list, as well as, and as I suspect this to be more of a Sun Solaris problem than a NetApp
Does someone have a solution/workaround for this problem?