Has anyone created a simple and readable web monitoring application for Filers? Sure there's Cricket, MRTG, and RRDtool, but I'd like something alittle more tidy for quick glances. I'd love something like phpSysInfo: http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net/
It seems like leveraging PHP or PERL CGI, with alittle RRD possiblably tossed in we could have a tool vastly superior to the aging "Filer At-A-Glance", which relies on Java (yuck) and doesn't supply everything in one nice page.
Has anyone done something like this or feel it's a worthwhile cause?
This might be an option for you. http://www.tek-tools.com/products/netapp.jsp
It may be a little more than you are interested in, but a very good tool for examining filer (and other storage) information and stats. Feel free to contact me directly for more information.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Ben Rockwood Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 3:45 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Simple Concise Filer Monitoring
Has anyone created a simple and readable web monitoring application for Filers? Sure there's Cricket, MRTG, and RRDtool, but I'd like something alittle more tidy for quick glances. I'd love something like phpSysInfo: http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net/
It seems like leveraging PHP or PERL CGI, with alittle RRD possiblably tossed in we could have a tool vastly superior to the aging "Filer At-A-Glance", which relies on Java (yuck) and doesn't supply everything in one nice page.
Has anyone done something like this or feel it's a worthwhile cause?
Does anyone have automated webbased tool to create qtree ,setting quotas,cifs etc...
We are in process of creating this for those sys admin who have limited knowledge abt filers.
If anyone has this tool .pls let me know
Thanks in advance Joe
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