Hi, i´ve got a FAS940 and i´m trying to set up it, on windows 2000 environment.
When i try to connect the FAS to the Domain, EPM_BOG, the system needs to restart CIFS services, when the system restart i receive the next error:
CIFS -> General Setup
Applied - please note the following:CIFS License:cifs license enabled. Run cifs setup to enable cifs. Setup:CIFS could not start. See log. Filer FAS940 removed from workgroup WORKGROUP CIFS - could not determine domain type. Assuming NT4 domain CIFS - Connecting filer to the NT4 domain.
CIFS local server is shutting down...
Then, i cant access the FAS from any server, i cannot access the FAS, please anybody van help me?
Helberth Alexis Osorio O. Professional Services Manager
Information Technologies de Colombia "INTEK" Teléfono: (57-1)6206370 ext 15 Fax: (57-1)6206365 Celular: (57-315)3108457 Santafé de Bogotá, D.C. Colombia www.intek.com.co
you should run "cifs setup" before expecting the filer respond on CIFS you should have cifs not running (with cifs terminate) before run "cifs setup" you should not have to see your system restart when ending a successfull cifs setup (cifs is automatically enabled at the end of the registering procedure)
you should send us your cifs setup output if you would us some help
note : if you try to join a win2k domain - sync the time beetween filer and PDC, - use the DNS and register the filer in note : if you use nt4 domain, if your PDC is not on the same subnet than the filer, use WINS
Helberth Alexis Osorio O. wrote: