I've been trying to get an F740 filer to recognize a dlt for several weeks. The error it returns is below. This same error also happens on another filer, also a 740. DLT checks out ok, according to the StorageTek tech's dignostics box.
Have tried swapping cables, and using different dlt's -- _always_ this "unrecognized error". The filer has been rebooted many times during this process. mt fsf, bsf, weof, &c all work ok, according to mt status, but all tape writes fail.
-- Dave Toal unix person T&T, nq, MA
statler> dump u0f nrst0a /vol/spool DUMP: Dumping tape file 1 on nrst0a DUMP: creating "/vol/spool/../snapshot_for_backup.0" snapshot. DUMP: Using Full Volume Dump DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Oct 19 02:02:52 2001. DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch. DUMP: Dumping /vol/spool/ to nrst0a DUMP: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] DUMP: mapping (Pass II)[directories] Fri Oct 19 02:03:10 GMT [isp_main]: Tape (1.0.0):cmdblk 0xfffffc0000e020f8 op 0xa block 64512 aborted command (b 47, 0) DUMP: Tape write failed. Fri Oct 19 02:03:10 GMT [isp_main]: Tape (1.0) unrecognized error 0xbunrecognized error 0xb. DUMP: DUMP IS ABORTED DUMP: Deleting "/vol/spool/../snapshot_for_backup.0" snapshot. statler>