At headquarters, my company is using an F230 and an F740 to provide NFS for about 200 Sun boxes and lots of Pea Seas (via Samba, actually--don't ask). We also have a collection of host-attached storage devices on various Sun servers. For some time, we've been migrating our most massive data stores to the F740. Seeking more performance, capacity, and redundancy, we're now considering replacing the F740 with a pair of clustered F760s. We've been using filers for a couple of years and have discussed the options with NetApp and our VAR. I would like to hear some opinions about and experiences with NetApp's clustering solution. Because of the expense and the risks of consolidating most of our data in one place, we want to be sure the configuration will provide the level of protection we need. Is it robust? Does it really have the capabilities claimed by the documentation? Are there any tips or tricks or "gotchas" we should know before we proceed?
--Brian L. Brush Senior Systems Administrator Paradyne Corporation