Hello Toasters.
Please forgive the stupidity of this post, but I've got to ask.
Why is it that commands like, rdfile, do not apper in the OnTap admin guide or the command references? Is this a "taboo" command? OnTap online help (ie: help command) doesn't list it either. How many other commands like this are there, and why isn't it listed among other commands?
There are a bunch of "ninja" commands (as NetApp calls them). These can be powerful and very destructive so they aren't broadcast like normal commands. Some require you to "priv set advanced".
I think they don't tell all because they are afraid of having to help pick up the pieces. ;)
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 12:30:28PM -0800, Ben Rockwood wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 03:02:53PM -0600, Chris Blackmor wrote:
That version of the command doesn't work with OnTap 5.3.6R2 or below for sure.
(and damned if I can remember the command for the lower revisions)
Is that what you are looking for? C-
On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 04:18:15PM -0600, Mike Horwath wrote:
this has always been a sore point for me. there are basic commands and the priv cmds. a lot of priv cmds are pretty safe, but netapp only tells folks about them in class. tech support recently told me one and said it was taught in class. well, not in the 5.37 classes i took. it came along afterwards.
if netapp is going to continue this way they should break the cmds into basic, safe priv, and really dangerous. and then [at least] doc everything that is safe.
everybody yell at netapp.
Ben Rockwood wrote:
now im using 6.1.2R1, where u have following admin levels:
priv set admin -> normal mode priv set advanced -> extended mode (cd,ls,dd,rm,...) priv set diag -> most extended mode i know of for maintenance and tuning
!!! use this commands at ur own risk and better first in a non productive environment !!!
enjoy it h
Ben Rockwood wrote:
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