Do any of you know if the "vol copy" command can be used in this case. Can I specify that the destination is actually a qtree?
I would recommend you use ndmpcopy for this. Here is some info and an example: Here is the "ndmpcopy" info for migrating data between filers. It uses dump/restore and can be used for smaller paths (not entire volumes). You have to make sure that each filer trusts each other by making etc/hosts.equiv entries. There is also an actual test level 0 and level 9 below.
It is a good tool to know how to use/get working.
You can get a binary for ndmpcopy via anonymous ftp from our as below or and compile it.
ftp> cd ndmpcopy 250 "/pub/netapp/upload/ndmpcopy" is new cwd. ftp> dir 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. drwxrwxr-x 2 ftpuser ftpusers 4096 Apr 17 2000 aix drwxrwxr-x 2 ftpuser ftpusers 4096 Mar 29 2000 linux drwxrwxr-x 2 ftpuser ftpusers 4096 Oct 5 08:54 solaris drwxrwxr-x 2 ftpuser ftpusers 4096 Oct 5 06:52 solaris2.7
Using ndmpcopy for data migration Use the latest version of ndmpcopy. Version 1.2 and later has incremental support that works, and you no longer need to specify a password on the command line, it is promptable now. Refer to ndmpcopy documentation for client installation and command usage. Example using ndmpcopy Version 1.2: Set up the destination volume where the date will be copied to. Use ndmpcopy to do a level 0 dump: Example: ndmpcopy source:path_to_volume destination:path_to_volume -level 0 -dpass After the level 0 is done, a level 1 ndmpcopy may done. This will copy only the data that changed since the level 0: ndmpcopy source:path_to_volume destination:path_to_volume -level 1 -dpass When ready to use the new volume: Turn off NFS & CIFS on the source by executing nfs off and cifs terminate. Do a final incremental to copy changes since the last ndmpcopy: ndmpcopy source:path_to_volume destination:path_to_volume -level 9 -dpass Configure the volume for production use. This process maintains performance by keeping the data striped across all disks in the volume, and you would probably rather wait the extra few minutes of downtime for the ndmpcopy to complete and maintain performance, than lose a lot of performance to get it done quickly. Be sure to use the latest recommended Data ONTAP OS.
[example from lab below] unix# ndmpcopy f760cl1-rtp:/vol/vol0/home f820-rtp:/vol/vol0/home -level 0 -dpass Source password: Destination password: Connecting to f760cl1-rtp. Connecting to f820-rtp. f760cl1-rtp: CONNECT: Connection established. f820-rtp: CONNECT: Connection established. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: creating "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_ba ckup.1" snapshot. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Using subtree dump f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Mar 27 14:32:47 2001. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Dumping /vol/vol0/home/ to NDMP connec tion f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: mapping (Pass II)[directories] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: estimated 146499 KB. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass III) [directories] f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:26:48 2001: Begin level 0 r estore f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:26:48 2001: Reading directo ries from the backup f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files] f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:26:48 2001: Creating files and directories. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Warning: cannot create directory oracle: File exists f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Warning: cannot create directory test: Fi le exists f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Warning: cannot create directory dmj: Fil e exists f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:26:48 2001: Writing data to files. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:27:08 2001: Restoring NT AC Ls. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass V) [ACLs] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: 146901 KB f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP IS DONE f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Deleting "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_ba ckup.1" snapshot. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE IS DONE f820-rtp: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for f760cl1-rtp to halt too. The transfer was successful, but the source filer hasn't halted yet. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 49 seconds. f760cl1-rtp: HALT: The operation was successful! The transfer is complete. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 50 seconds. ------------------ now the incremental ------------------------- root@ultra5-rtp%[/usr/local/bin]>./ndmpcopy f760cl1-rtp:/vol/vol0/home f820-rtp: /vol/vol0/home -level 9 -dpass Source password: Destination password: Connecting to f760cl1-rtp. Connecting to f820-rtp. f760cl1-rtp: CONNECT: Connection established. f820-rtp: CONNECT: Connection established. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: creating "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_ba ckup.3" snapshot. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Using subtree dump f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Date of this level 9 dump: Tue Mar 27 14:41:38 2001. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Date of last level 0 dump: Tue Mar 27 14:38:20 2001. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Dumping /vol/vol0/home/ to NDMP connec tion f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: mapping (Pass II)[directories] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: estimated 10274 KB. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass III) [directories] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files] f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:35:38 2001: Begin increment al restore f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:35:39 2001: Reading directo ries from the backup f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:35:39 2001: Creating new fi les and directories. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:35:39 2001: Writing data to files. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: Tue Mar 27 19:35:41 2001: Restoring NT AC Ls. f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: dumping (Pass V) [ACLs] f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: 10681 KB f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP IS DONE f760cl1-rtp: LOG: DUMP: f760cl1-rtp: LOG: Deleting "/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_ba ckup.3" snapshot. f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE: f820-rtp: LOG: RESTORE IS DONE f820-rtp: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for f760cl1-rtp to halt too. The transfer was successful, but the source filer hasn't halted yet. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 45 seconds. f760cl1-rtp: HALT: The operation was successful! The transfer is complete. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 46 seconds.