Hi Jim,
A number of tools exist for migrating NDS to AD or even NT domains but unfortunately the data migration process is a manual one. Using Backup Exec is a good idea because you'll end up with a backup of the data. It does, as you obviously know, take over twice as long to migrate the data.
The best way to do this is to migrate the user data over in groups [of users]. Use one or more powerful workstations with dual redirectors installed to move the data. Once moved, set the permissions manually. It does seem tedious but if you break up the migrations into groups and then do it over several weekends, it's not so painful (I've actually lived through it). If you get a couple of admins in working in parallel, this can go pretty fast.
Though (in my experience), the bottleneck is usually the NetWare server, you can tweak the filer a bit so that it performs better while the migration is in process. Take a look at these tweaks from my white paper on IIS:
Best Regards,
Paul Benn Network Appliance
-----Original Message----- From: Collins, Jim [mailto:JCollins@sandc.com] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 10:09 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Data Migration Question
I am migrating directories & files from a Novell Server to a F740 box. I am currently using Backup Exec to transfer the data. This is fine for Shared information that everyone has full control on. Can anyone suggest what I might use for Novell data that has user permissions that I would want to maintain on the Netapp side ?