I was wondering if it was against the rules to ask this alias about their experience with 100BaseT and filers.
1. What switch do you use?
2. What clients do you use on 100BaseT?
3. What filer and how much disk and NVRAM?
4. If you have ever done performance tests against the filer, what type of tests are you running, and roughly what results are you seeing?
5. Are you running with autonegotiation on:
(1) filer (2) clients (break out by vendor as necessary)
If you disabled auto-negotiation, why? What were the symptoms?
6. Have you experimented with half and full duplex and matching end to end?
7. Has anyone engaged in or worked with a client vendor in client-side tuning? What was your experience?
8. How many are looking at moving in the future to installing on the filer:
(1) ATM (2) Gigabit Ethernet (3) FDDI :-)
I'll try to pitch in my experiences after some feedback. I hate affecting the experiment too much.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot!
subscribe toasters
On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Brian Pawlowski wrote:
I was wondering if it was against the rules to ask this alias about their experience with 100BaseT and filers.
this question gets asked periodically, so i'll take ten seconds to get on a soapbox and answer it.
there are no rules. or, more precisely, i enforce no rules. i assume that people will complain to me, or unsubscribe, or both, if they don't like what's on it. since i've had no complaints, and subscriptions outnumber unsubscriptions, i figure this list is being useful (or at least worth the bandwidth) to the majority of the subscribers.
i've given guidelines when asked - if you're planning on sending non-toaster-related-but-administrator-related material, send pointers rather than the material itself, because it's more efficient and less intrusive. be prepared for the list members to rise up and smite you anyway.
so far, there's been very little smiting. if people rise in uproar, or start leaving in droves, i'll merrily get ruthless about removing problem members. i am a BOFH, after all. but until then, i suspect you all have a much better idea of what makes this list worth your time than i do.
none of this is writ in stone, either. you want it different, say so. that's it.
Tom Yates - Unix Chap - The Mathworks, Inc. - +1 (508) 647 7561 MAG#65061 DoD#0135 AMA#461546 1024/CFDFDE39 0C E7 46 60 BB 96 87 05 04 BD FB F8 BB 20 C1 8C