Have you tried the command line version < snapmirror status -l > for extended output. It may be a little more helpful. It seems you are checking status, and I am looking a little more for the 'actual' data moving. Good SM Link: http://now.netapp.com/AskNOW/highlight_html.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnow.net app.com%2FNOW%2Fknowledge%2Fdocs%2Fontap%2Frel631r1%2Fhtml%2Fontap%2Fdpg %2Fmirror19.htm&sentenceId=60257568&titleIds=60257567%2C60257566%2C60257 562#1548676
The actual data moving is block level, so there really is not a true concept of 'files' If you have a DB in the snap destination that is moving only changed blocks IN the DB then you are not really moving a file. Just block updates IN the file.
You may be aware of this, so maybe you could be more specific in your question. Also, just for more info, is this QSM, or volume level?
-----Original Message----- From: Ngoh, Clarence [mailto:clarence.ngoh@cba.com.au] Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 5:04 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com
Hi folks
I am having some difficulties tracking down a particular user or qtree that is causing delays on our SnapMirror process. The most relevant information of our setup are this:
Filer head : FAS940 OS: DOT 6.3.1 Filername : Let's call it "FilerA" OS to troubleshoot from : Windows, but open sourced solutions welcomed.
Filer A contains several different qtrees with different business units. Every so often, the snapshots are SnapMirrored to our DR site. Of late, we noticed that FilerA is lagging behind the DR site by a fair amount of time -- 16 hours. The amount of data transferred for this period is around 15 GB.
Please do not offer solutions regarding network latency, as the amount of data change is the cause of the lag.
I would like to trace the particular user or qtree that is making this changes. We are using DFM 2.1 for W2K server. DFM did not register data deletions or additions for any business unit -- I suspect then that data changes are the culprits, but where is this coming from?
Cheers Clarence.
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