I have a F810 and a bunch of 144gb disks. I need to max out the F810. I'm getting conflicting reports on how many of those disks are usable while still having 1 hot spare and single parity. Can anyone hit me with a clue stick.
Steve Evans SDSU Foundation
the system config guide pages are your friend ;-)
Steve Evans wrote:
I have a F810 and a bunch of 144gb disks. I need to max out the F810. I’m getting conflicting reports on how many of those disks are usable while still having 1 hot spare and single parity. Can anyone hit me with a clue stick.
Steve Evans SDSU Foundation
I have a F810 and a bunch of 144gb disks. I need to max out the F810. I'm getting conflicting reports on how many of those disks are usable while still having 1 hot spare and single parity. Can anyone hit me with a clue stick.
I had a similar question (with different sized disks).
The F810 maxes at 1.5TB, but I'm uncertain if that's Raw disk blocks, "reduced" disk blocks, or Filesystem space. I'm assuming that it's "reduced" disk. (where can I find which is true?)
If so, then it would be 1500/68 => 11.03 or 11 disks (10 data + 1 parity) and any spares you wanted to add. That's about 1393MB available for the filesystem... Right?
Or 22 72GB disks (plus any spares).
I pulled up the system configuration page where the 1.5GB is listed, but I didn't find any further explanation of exactly how to calculate the storage in question.
It's raw blocks. So the number of disks turns out to be 10 at 144GB, 21 at 72GB.
Darren Dunham wrote:
I have a F810 and a bunch of 144gb disks. I need to max out the F810. I'm getting conflicting reports on how many of those disks are usable while still having 1 hot spare and single parity. Can anyone hit me with a clue stick.
I had a similar question (with different sized disks).
The F810 maxes at 1.5TB, but I'm uncertain if that's Raw disk blocks, "reduced" disk blocks, or Filesystem space. I'm assuming that it's "reduced" disk. (where can I find which is true?)
If so, then it would be 1500/68 => 11.03 or 11 disks (10 data + 1 parity) and any spares you wanted to add. That's about 1393MB available for the filesystem... Right?
Or 22 72GB disks (plus any spares).
I pulled up the system configuration page where the 1.5GB is listed, but I didn't find any further explanation of exactly how to calculate the storage in question.