We run a default raid scrub regime (01:00 on Sundays). Last Sunday we got a message
Sun Mar 19 01:00:00 GMT [cron_admin]: Rescheduling raid_scrub_admin to run at Sun Mar 19 01:00:00 GMT 2000 because of Day Light Saving time change
[Raid scrubbing itself ran at this time with no problem.]
Moreover, every time timed tweaks the clock (we use ntp synchronisation) it again mutters. e.g.
Tue Mar 21 16:04:33 GMT [cron_admin]: Rescheduling raid_scrub_admin to run at Tue Mar 21 16:04:33 GMT 2000 because of Day Light Saving time change
Now all this is no doubt because next Sunday is clock-changing day in our timezone (GB), with 2000-03-26 01:00:00 GMT -> 02:00:00 BST. [American friends will no doubt be seeing this effect next week!]
What I don't understand is
a) Why ONTAP is making such a fuss about it. Nothing like this happened last October, but we were on 5.2.2 then, and 5.3.5 now.
b) Why it always claims to be rescheduling for the current time. Maybe this is just a bungle in the message?
I am expecting the messages to disappear after the clock change, but meanwhile I'm a bit bemused by it all.
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: cet1@ucs.cam.ac.uk New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.