This was put there for early testers of FlexShare. Those folks were
by Engineering directly during the testing. I would not recommend using
7.1 FlexShare code in production as it is not supported at all now that
the production
FlexShare code is released. So use at your own risk.
-- Adam Fox
-----Original Message-----
From: Filip Sneppe []
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 12:04 PM
To: Reinoud Reynders
Cc: ggwalker(a); thelastman(a); markallen(a);
Subject: Re: Data Ontap 7.2
On 8/13/06, Reinoud Reynders <reinoud.reynders(a)> wrote:
> Flexshare is indeed the 'commercial' name of gardrail, availible in
> It's indeed a great killer ap.
Note that the "priority" command is already available from ONTAP 7.1
from "priv set advanced" mode, eg:
na-demo01*> priority show volume
Volume Priority Relative Sys Priority
Service Priority (vs User)
iscsi_luns on High Medium
na-demo01*> sysconfig
NetApp Release 7.1.1: Sun Jun 25 03:57:55 PDT 2006
I don't know if it is actually already fully supported on 7.1 systems,
and if there are any differences between 7.1 and 7.2 flexshare features.
(it is enabled on a test system in our environenment)