Hello all...
I need some good guidance...I am having two problems...we are having two domains...the older domain is over HP servers (windows based)....and the newer doamin over SUN servers (Solaris based)...
1. Im trying to integrate an HP DL380 Storage server NAS active-passive cluster (from the older domain) with IBM N3600 ontap (new domain). Im quite familiar with ontap...but not much idea of HP storage servers. Can anyone guide me (step-by-step) or some good refrence website. May i mention that, as obvious, the HP NAS is registered with a seperate doamin controller...and IBM with a seperate domain controller...so what do i need to do???
2. The second problem is somewhat related to the first. We have an HP MSL6000 backup library, which is being managed by 'Data Protector Manager'. Currently it is taking backups of the above mentioned HP domain. How can i add a Sun V490 server (running Solaris 10) as a client and then schedule backup.
Thanx in advance...
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