Hi All,
F230, 5.1D4, 256MB RAM, 2 volumes, predominatly CIFS.
I'm trying to over ride a default quota using a group quota, so that some of
my users get
a bigger quota in their home directories than others.
The home directories are in /vol/.vol0/users, so the default quota line in
quota file is:
* user@/vol/vol0/users 50M 2K
which works fine.
The line before this one in the quota file is:
bigusers group@/vol/vol0/users 100M 4K
where bigusers is a group specified in etc/group on the toaster and whose
membership is
a sub set of all th users.
'quota report' shows the 50M quota for the users, but those in the
'bigusers' group only have
50M as well. Anyone got any ideas?
I have tried a quota off/on cycle after a member of bigusers created some
new files, but to
no avail, just in case this is related to Bug 5660
Garrett Burke, Network Administrator, Managed Solutions,
32 Upper Mount St., Dublin 2, Ireland
A loaf of bread, a cup of wine and thou.