Thank you to all that took the time to answer my posting. It is nice to hear
some positive responses when you are about to spend big bucks. I am
particularlly interested in hearing the "conclusion" of Sam Schorr's Soap Opera
about his experience with installation of cluster fail over.
Thanks again,
Russ Amidon
> Subject: Future Newbie Needs Advice
> To: toasters(a)
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Md5: gJvzv996YOYYC+QpWeuraQ==
> Hello Everyone,
> I am about to purchase two F760's w/ Cluster Failover Software and Hardware
> because we need a system that is 100% available and rock solid. I was
> after talking to other Net App users that this was the way to go. After a week
> of reading this mailing list, I am no longer convinced. Does anyone out there
> have the system I described? Are you happy with it? I am particularly
> about the fiber channel problems and all of the OS upgrades and patches.
> We are also considering the new Auspex NS2000. Does anyone know of an Auspex
> mailing list like this one?
> Thank you in advance for any advise you can offer to the "future newbie".
> Russ Amidon
> UNIX Sys Admin