G D Geen,
Please find the following email to identify the EMC email list/archive as
you requested.
/Christian Adams
System Engineer
>Resent-From: emc-request(a)interex.org
>Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:51:32 -0800 (PST)
>X-Sender: bill(a)proaxis.com
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
>Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:48:19 -0800
>To: emc(a)interex.org, haforum(a)interex.org
>From: Bill Lancaster <bill(a)proaxis.com>
>X-Mailing-List: <emc(a)interex.org> archive/latest/2
>X-Loop: emc(a)interex.org
>Resent-Sender: emc-request(a)interex.org
>Subject: [EMC:2] Welcome!
>Hello and welcome to all who have joined the EMC list! The list was just
>created this week and now has 127 people signed up! Clearly, you all have
>an interested in seeing a public forum for users of EMC equipment.
>The genesis of this list came through meetings held between the Interex
>High Availability Forum members and various EMC staff at EMC headquarters
>in December. (There is also a listserver specializing in HP-related High
>Availability issues, including EMC issues). The High Availability Forum
>Executive Committee members are:
> Myself (Bill Lancaster), co-chair
> Chuck Ciesinski, co-chair
> Isaac Blake
> Steve Guzzi
> Chris Rink
> Gary Maness
> Wesley Sawyer
> Deb Lawson (Interex liaison)
>Bob Yach is chairing the EMC SIG.
>I'd like to start the ball rolling by asking all of you what your
>discussion interests are for this list. Do you have any pressing concerns
>that you would like to throw open for discussion? I understand that
>several EMC personnel are participating in this list so you should stand a
>good chance getting answers to issues/questions. What kind of EMC
>equipment are you using? How has it added to your high availability?
>Jump on in!
>Bill Lancaster
> -----Original Message-----
> From: G D Geen [SMTP:geen@msp.sc.ti.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 7:02 AM
> To: rhodesr(a)firstenergycorp.com
> Cc: toasters(a)mathworks.com
> Subject: Re: remote support issues
> If you have problems with support, bring it to the attention
> of your Sales Advisor. NetApp is very good about communicating
> internally the issues of their customers. Also some very heavy
> hitters at NetApp read this mail list. So use this forum to
> address your concerns. Please note, NetApp is not the only
> provider of network filers out there. If you are not happy,
> ask Auspex why they don't have a mail list like this. I did and
> was surprised by the answer. I have not asked EMC about a mail
> list yet, but I am interested in hearing the answer.