Hi, all. One of my clients, for excellent reasons of its own, is
migrating its domain controllers to Windows 2000 (which is the artist
formerly known as NT 5). This means that their CIFS-running NetApps
have to play nice.
I had been aware that NetApp had put a fix for this into 5.3D16, and
when 5.3.2R1 came out I (naively, as it turned out) assumed that that
fix would be included. So I brought up a borrowed test filer on
5.3.2R1, and found that it would happily register itself in an
Windows-2000-controlled domain...once. If you shut CIFS down and
restarted it, the filer would give up on finding a domain controller,
and client accesses to the filer would time out. And then you often
would not be able to cleanly terminate CIFS again; after 90 seconds of
waiting, the filer would invite you to shut down the system using
halt -d and send the resulting core dump to NAC. Heh.
A call to my friendly tech-support person revealed that the fix was
actually not in 5.3.2R1, but was in 5.3.2D3. Aha. So I moved to
5.3.2D3, and now it's playing nice.
The build of W2K in play here was 2072.
Hope this helps other pioneers out there.