> Thanks for that Niall, interesting.. I'm very keen to do
> it, if you want to try a beta version of the software in
> a production environment then let me know...
We can definitely keep you in mind ! :-) Thanks !
> I know theres currently options on the netapp to allow
> spoofing,
Yes, the support needed on the cache server side is not
too hard. Just accepting packets for us that were actually
destined to a client instead ;-) (returning traffic)
> but your document suggests this isnt actually workable
> at the moment as the l4 switches dont redirect the return
> traffic.. is that right?
Woah. I said Foundry can't do it (yet), but Alteon can. We
have customers doing this already. Note that you need to
make sure that your traffic is "symmetrical" - i.e., the
returning traffic will definitely go through the same
device - otherwise you'll have problems. You have to be
*very* careful with this feature...
> so right now theres no way to use my cache and maintain
> the client ip throughout the connection?
With Alteon you can - right now. With WCCP 2 you will be
able to in the (near?) future. And Foundry will hopefully
add the support soon too...
[ As you probably know, NetCache adds an X-Forwarded-For
header (if none already exists) to all requests it sees.
This contains the client IP address. So web servers can
get access to it that way if they want to... ]