Anyone found a way to stop DFM 3.1 from recording certain events? For
instance, we have AutoSupport turned off due to security configuration
policies. However, every few hours the filers dutifully report that
AutoSupport is turned off and try to cajole me with all the benefits of
turning it on. I know it's off, I purposefully turned it off, stop
notifying me about it. I don't want to see this event in my DFM events.
Another example is when CIFS event log is full and it creates another one -
I get LOTS of these every day. I don't care about them. Only tell me if
you couldn't create one. These two events alone spread across 3 filers, I
have gathered approximately 1700 events in the week I've had DFM running. I
don't want these events taking up space in my database, I don't want to
filter through them every day looking to see if there is some event worth my
paying attention to that I may not have yet established an alarm for. In
short, by being inundated with informational events that I don't care about,
the usefulness is being diluted.