Davin Milun wrote:
At 16:31, on Oct 29, 2002, Mike Horwath wrote:
On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 04:54:43PM -0500, Dan O'Brien wrote:
<some log message header> Cluster Monitor: both partner mailbox disks have failed Disk 7a.0 is reserved for "hot spare"
1 disk is reserved for "hot spare"
Can't have SCSI disks in Clustered Failover configuration Illegal configuration. Halting ok
If what you're looking to do is make it forget that it's part of a cluster, you can try the following (which worked for us on some 760c's - I've never used/seen a 600 series though). At the ok prompt, do unsetenv partner-sysid
BINGO!!! Hold your cards!!!
This bit of magic cleared the "cluster" FUBAR!
Many thanks for this specific suggestion and for all the help provided by others.
Dan O'Brien, dmobrien@lcsi.net Cell: 614-783-4859 Work: 614-476-8473 Home: 740-927-2178 Pataskala, OH