So that you understand where I am coming from, I am 2nd hand equipment dealer who has paid and tried to get things work out with distributors and had no help. I've tried to work with NetApps distritibutors to stop an account not to migrate to EMC....
So here is my conclusion...
A GOOD reason would be to migrate off NetApp at least here in HK as the channel are a bunch of #@$@$@$ that don't bother quoting upgrades to customers even after 4 weeks... Even after you harras them they take 2 weeks to respond.
Even if consultants come in to assist distributors to resell to NetApp customers that are going to migrate to EMC and still shaft consultants... (me).
And then there is price. EMC is being very aggressive, out here they are undercutting NetApp on clustered systems by around 50%.
Then there is licensing... Once you buy a NetApp its asset value is zero as you can't sell it or you cann't get NetApp resellers who will help you even if you pay the outrageous rates of full price. Yes, I read before NetApp have the right to protect their IP, we the customer have the right to protect our $'s.
From a "Storage Admins" perspective I am sure NetApp is the way to go but on a business perspective, support, licensing, assets etc... Ummm.... i really struggle to find a reason to run one.
I've not had that much experience with Network Appliances, but the ones I've had have been abysmal. So at least out here in HK, EMC is the way to go, don't even bother calling NetApp oor its channel, you will be waiting..... I am sure that in other countries NetApp its channel is not the same..
Anyway personally these guys have made it very clear that they are not interested in working with anyone who is trying to get their stuff relicensed and transferred properly even if you try to follow their ridiculous policies and pricings... To be the way to run this stuff is to run their equipment unlicensed and not paying support and getting parts from their support and knowledge is great.
All the best to you guys. Maren. (Seriously pissed off.)
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, [iso-8859-1] Sto RageĀ© wrote:
I don't work for NetApp. But first ask what features would you GAIN by migrating to a Calera. You loose so many features, the first being the simplicity to manage them.
We just moved all of our NAS storage off Celeras to NetApps because of the so many issues. Email me directly incase you need more info. -G
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Arden" To: Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:44 AM Subject: Migrating from NetApp to EMC Celera
I have been asked what the problems would be migrating from NetApp filers to EMC Celerra. Has anyone had any experience of doing this. What features would I loose?
- Bruce
-- Bruce Arden CSC, Nortel, London Rd, Harlow, England +44 1279 40 2877
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