In California the NetApp User Groups (NUG or NUGGETS or something) has been active the past six months but I believe the sales/support engineer/account manager groups who know the customers directly have been drumming up the meets and presentations. I would be suspicious of any email surveys, or you just have lazy NetApp folks in the UK. Make 'em come out to your site and give you free lunches, for christsake.
Your mileage may vary ~
At 11:35 PM 4/11/02 +0000, you wrote:
Just received the following mail. Thought it a little odd. Anyway else received something similar?
----- Forwarded message from linda -----
From: "linda" Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 21:49:27 +0100 (BST) Subject: UK NetApp User Group - UK Network Appliance User Group To: