In our case, the client machines are SPARCs running Solaris 2.5.1
many of our readers are POP, rather than NFS; i would guess that no more than 50 machines actually NFS mount /var/spool/mail for any serious mail reading. our sole writer is Solaris 2.5, patched to the hilt.
Well I dunno. I deliever email to ~/.mailbox to ~200 users and automount everyone's directory from my 540 to an Ultra1. Been workin' like a champ for about nine months now. This Ultra also acts as a popper, users automount their home dirs too and use a wide variety of email readers.
I do, however, use procmail for local email delivery and use ".mailbox.lock" for locking. I haven't had an problems with this method except for Sun's mailtool which seems to sometimes randomly leave a ".mailbox.lock" . Solution seems to tell people "don't do that" *smirk* and instead use dtmail.
- mz
-- matthew zeier -- -- 3Com EWD Engineering -- 408/764-8420 ...................................................................... "Y el mundo se mueve, mas rapido y mejor." - Fey