IMHO, Solaris and NFS aren't your concern. It is the number of inodes left available on the volume on the filer. Solaris 2.8 native file systems would have the same limitation. I believe NFSv2 couldn't handle files >2GB but as far as I know experienced nothing more than performance degradation because of file quantity. I would recommend sorting the files by month and/or year if possible. I know of once customer who has exceeded the inode capacity of his filer but we are talking 10s of millions of filers in a single directory structure.
Maintain adequate free blocks and free inodes If the percentage of free blocks or free inodes falls to less than 10% on any volume, the performance of writes and creates can suffer. Check free blocks and inodes using the df command and df -i command, respectively. If the percentage of used blocks is greater than 90%, increase blocks by adding disks or deleting Snapshots. If the percentage of free inodes is less than 10%, increase inodes by deleting files or using the maxfiles command.
NAME na_maxfiles - increase the number of files the volume can hold
SYNOPSIS maxfiles [ vol_name [ max ] ]
DESCRIPTION maxfiles increases the number of files that a volume can hold to max. Once increased, the value of max can never be lowered, so the new value must be larger than the cur- rent value. If no argument is specified, maxfiles dis- plays the current value of max for all volumes in the sys- tem. If just the vol_name argument is given, the current value of max for the specified volume is displayed.
See "man maxfiles" for more information.
netapp1> maxfiles Volume vol0: maximum number of files is currently 194533 (10281 used). Volume vol1: maximum number of files is currently 182363 (1533 used). netapp1> df -i Filesystem iused ifree %iused Mounted on /vol/vol0/ 10281 184252 5% /vol/vol0/ /vol/vol1/ 1533 180830 1% /vol/vol1/