Brent Ellis wrote
More backstory, I made a mistake when I was trying grow my aggregate and I am seeing if I can change it.
and Adam Fox writes
Ahh...yeah, you can't back out of that new RG, it's one of the few non-reversible things in ONTAP.
All part of the "why can't we shrink a raid group / aggregate?" threads that crop up on toasters every year or two. (Of course, NetApp can now claim to be able to shrink volumes ... provided they are flexible ones!)
I have long suspected that NetApp are only going to provide that (which would be technically feasible but likely to be hairy to code and debug) if they get scared by a competitor offering it. (Veritas VM/FS wasn't scary enough to achieve that, though.) Maybe a point to bear in mind in the parallel "If not NetApp" thread ...