Thanks for the post. You are right, it contains some very good info. Hopefully the "you get what you deserve" crowd won't discourage people from making similar posts in the future.
Speaking of people like me... :)
I wanted to make it clear that I don't want to discourage anyone from talking. I didn't even jump on the original poster; I was just answering one of the follow-ups. People make mistakes and I've made mistakes with the best of them. If you find out something useful in your filer experience, plesae pass it along, even if it's of the "I didn't read the manual, so I did this and it crashed" variety.
ObBadFilerExperience - Replacing an old Fas 450 with an F540 and physically installing a variety of old "bare" disk drives into the DEC StorageWorks containers to use in the new shelves. "This will work, right?" Then spending the next 6 hours physically rebooting, checking to see which shelf had trouble recognizing disks, removing them one by one, rebooting again, seeing it get further along in the boot sequence or not, etc. etc. until all the problem drives were found. Some of the older drivers didn't like one version of the StorageWorks container, but did work in another, and we spent the rest of the night scrounging for parts off other containers for the right disk container. :)