Hi all -
We've got two filers, a 330 and 540 both running 5.1.2P2, in a Windows NT domain. The filers are configured to register with WINS. However, we've noticed some unusual WINS entries in the last few days. The filer is correctly registering a 00h workstation entry, a 03h messenger entry, and a 20h file server entry into the WINS server.
The big problem is that the filer is also creating 00h, 03h, and 20h WINS records for the domain it is in. It then appears that there is a workstation with the same name as the domain. This causes numerous problems for Windows clients on the different subnets in the different buildings. Most of the problems are the inability to find the domain controller, or a duplicate name error. (We've noticed a weird bug with Windows 2000 and WINS where the computer doesn't release the workstation record when it shuts down, but we're not sure if they're related.)
I called NetApp, and they referenced a duplicate WINS name problem in bug # 16355. I can't find that bug number on the NOW web site. NetApp support suggested upgrading to 5.3.4R3, or even 5.3.5R2. Anyone seen this bug, or similar behavior? Can someone take a look at their WINS server, and let me know what's in there from the filer? Or what is the output of a cifs testdc? That's how we first noticed the unusual WINS entries.
Thanks in advance for your time and help,
Warren M. Walsh Honeywell Technology Center warren.walsh@honeywell.com