On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Gregory Gulik wrote:
I have a feeling this topic has been discussed to death, but here goes anyway:
Has anyone had luck with using a NetApp for a mail spool?
yes. the poor old F330 was driven into the ground, and we had to get some extra NVRAM in in a hurry, but i guess we've got prolix users. i have had no trouble whatsoever, apart from the pain of paying for the NVRAM.
In our case, the client machines are SPARCs running Solaris 2.5.1
many of our readers are POP, rather than NFS; i would guess that no more than 50 machines actually NFS mount /var/spool/mail for any serious mail reading. our sole writer is Solaris 2.5, patched to the hilt.
Tom Yates - Unix Chap - The Mathworks, Inc. - +1 (508) 647 7561 MAG#65061 DoD#0135 AMA#461546 1024/CFDFDE39 0C E7 46 60 BB 96 87 05 04 BD FB F8 BB 20 C1 8C