You always can map LUN. But I am not sure whether Linux will understand Solaris disk partition scheme. ________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Losen [] Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 02:06 To: Subject: Migrate Solaris FC LUN to Linux iSCSI ?
Hi toasters,
Is it possible to take a Solaris FC LUN and attach it to Linux via iSCSI? I suspect problems since the "lun create" command needs to know the OS type (solaris in this case). I don't think FC to iSCSI is a problem, though.
Naturally we would love to "just move" the LUNs without creating new Linux LUNs and copying the data from Solaris to Linux.
In case you are wondering about the FS on the LUNs, this is disk cache for a StorNext filesystem and we want to replace our very old Solaris hardware with Linux "in place". Otherwise it would take literally months to migrate the data since StorNext is a tape backed hierarchical FS.
If we can't do this hardware upgrade in place, then we will soldier on on the old Solaris hardware and cross our fingers.
We intend to replace StorNext eventually but want to get off the old Solaris hardware in the interim if possible.
Steve Losen phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support
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