Venkatesh Vankipuram writes to [...]
I am a graduate student in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) at The University of New Mexico, graduating in Summer 2001. This Company's Job listings sounded very interesting to me and looked like the job I am actually looking for.
[etc., etc.]
Gee, isn't it great that toasters has such a world-wide reputation that people actually want to come and work for the _mailing_list_!
Maybe fubar can put him to work on the treadmill in the mathworks basement and we'll all get list messages faster... Perhaps with job promotion prospects to become fubar's field agent for "unsub[bing users] with extreme prejudice" [23 May 2001] (probably for posts like this one... I had better stop).
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.