I believe SyncMirror is the only product that uses aggregate level snapshot. Snaprestore also would let you restore the whole aggregate back from a snap, should you need to do that for some reason. Personally, I turn them off as well.
Cheers Chris
Christopher Holloway Lead Consultant Professional Services
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Paul Letta Sent: 31 January 2008 16:54 To: tmac Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: Aggr's at 100% with FlexVols
If we are never going to use an aggr snapshot, why do we need them ? We
do have the aggr snap reserves set to 0 and do not do aggr level snap shots. Our flexvols have snap scheds that meets the needs of the data on that particular flexvol.
What are the risks with this configuration ?
tmac wrote:
I believe it has to do with "recoverability" to a point...
There are snapshots at the AGGR level, if you max out the flexvols to 100%, there is no real room left for aggr snaps.
You can turn off aggr snaps and set the aggr snap reserve to 0%, although I think it is not a best practice...