I downloaded the filer mrtg and have been able to get it running on my 840. What I have discovered is that the disk usage is not showing.
I seem to remember having to do a bit of fiddling with the mrtg stuff to get it working properly. Here's my mrtg.cfg section - change hostnames and contacts as necessary, obviously.
Target[swift.df.snmp]: ublic@swift MaxBytes[swift.df.snmp]: 100 AbsMax[swift.df.snmp]: 100 Title[swift.df.snmp]: (03) Disk usage percentage Options[swift.df.snmp]: absolute, gauge, noinfo, nopercent, growright, transpare nt Unscaled[swift.df.snmp]: dwmy YLegend[swift.df.snmp]: Percent used ShortLegend[swift.df.snmp]: % Legend1[swift.df.snmp]: Disk Usage Legend2[swift.df.snmp]: Legend3[swift.df.snmp]: Legend4[swift.df.snmp]: LegendI[swift.df.snmp]: Disk Usage LegendO[swift.df.snmp]: PageTop[swift.df.snmp]: <TABLE BORDER=0> <TR><TD><A HREF="http://www.netapp.com/"><img border=0 alt="[LOGO]" src="logo.g if"></A></TD> <TD><H2>swift - Disk usage</H2></TD></TR> </TABLE> <HR> <TABLE> <TR><TD>System:</TD><TD>swift</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD><TD><a href="mailto:mike.knell@cs.tcd.ie">mike.knell@cs .tcd.ie</TD></TR> </TABLE> <P>This page shows the percentage of disk used.