Pardon my ignorance, but I have a question for people running databases on NetApp boxes.
I've seen a number of notes in the past from people running Oracle or Sybase over NFS to a NetApp box, and I'm puzzled: why run a database over NFS instead of on top of a local disk?
Are you running several instances of the database on several hosts, all sharing the same database over NFS? I'm surprised that works reasonably with a log file being hammered on by several different machines (and I don't really understand how it could work at all with several different log files). Also, I would have thought that NFS's loose cache consistency semantics would have prevented sharing a database from working at all, unless use of file locking disables caching appropriately.
Or are you just running one database host, and using the NetApp to manage the database host's disk space. If so, what are the advantages you get from using the NetApp for disk space management instead of just using a local disk?
Thanks in advance,