If there was some way to make the release happen sooner, trust me, I'd do it. Unfortunately we can't, so the only choice we have is to ship it when its ready. We did a triage on the bugs and did some heavy soul searching to see if we could defer some work. Its not just severity that determines if a bug needs to be included. We look at the call records against the bug. Every time someone calls into CS its logged and included in the bug report. The 5.3 codeline is still on EA and we really want to make it GA. We have a weekly report that gets circulated with every customer call against 5.2 and another with calls against 5.3. The criteria for moving into GA has doubled between 5.2 release and 5.3 release. There just aren't any easy answers. Our goal is that each time we put out a release we can quantitatively see that its the highest quality release we've ever done. Each time we set the bar higher and then work like the devil to reach it.
Paul Norman, Product Manager Direct: (408) 822-6288 Network Appliance E-Mail: pnorman@netapp.com 495 East Java Drive Corp: (408) 822-6000 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Web: WWW.NetApp.Com
-----Original Message----- From: Graham C. Knight [mailto:grahamk@ast.lmco.com] Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 1:24 PM To: Norman, Paul Cc: 'Eyal Traitel'; Day, Matt; toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: CIFS, UNIX and ACLs
"Norman, Paul" wrote:
So expecting to see something in November would be a reasonable assumption.
I'm not sure how this relates to other shops, but here at Lockheed we will be in a Y2K configuration freeze starting November 1. Lots of other companies I know about are in the same boat. You might want to keep that in mind when it comes to OS release dates as Y2K approaches.