. . . Anyway, How have you achived the spliting of your file system? I think this is going to cause us problems due to the rather unitelligent autoloader we use to drive the backup...any advise on this?
Our largish volume has about a dozen directories at its top level; Most of them are qtree's, and the space is split relatively evenly across those 12 directories. So rather than backing up just /vol/projects/, I tell BudTool to backup /vol/projects/dir1/, then /vol/projects/dir2/, and so on.
It's a slightly ugly workaround, with the biggest risk being that someone will add another subdirectory without telling BudTool to back it up. That's not a big concern here, since those qtree definitions are pretty static.
Note that most Unix-based "dump" commands won't be able to do incremental backups on a sub-directory of a filesystem. But tests show that NetApp's "dump" (and also the NDMP dump) appear to be doing incrementals of the subdiretories just fine. The "right thing" even shows up in the NetApp's /etc/dumpdates file.