(Geoff Hardin) writes:
type `qtree create <path>` where path is something to the
effect of /vol/vol0/<share>. Once the qtree is created, you can set up the quota on the qtree by entering a line in the /etc/quotas file: "<path> tree 500M". Don't forget to restart quotas on the filer by turning quotas off then back on (in the future, any changes to the size of the quota can be accomplished by quota resize, but since you've added to the /etc/quota file, you have to restart them).
If you are going to make many qtrees like this, set a default quota for qtrees on the volume, by putting a line like "* tree@/vol/vol0 1G -" in /etc/quotas. Then any new qtree gets that quota, and you can change it if you need to by adding an explicit entry for it to /etc/quotas and then using "quota resize": this way you can avoid "quota off" + "quota on" completely (except when setting up the default qtree quota in the first place).
That is, it's not exactly "adding to /etc/quotas" that means you have to do "quota off" and "quota on": it's adding entries that mean WAFL has to keep track of some usage that it wasn't previously tracking.
Chris Thompson Email: